Thursday, 19 October 2017

How do star die

freinds today I am going to tell you about how really star dei as you all know that any thing in the universe have end. Same is about star. Star dei because they exhaust there nuclear fuel the event of end of star life depend on its mass.  Real massive star use up there hydrogen fuel quickly, but are hot enough to fuse have it elements such as helium and Corbin. Once there is no fuel left, the star collapses and the outer layer explode as a supernova . What is left over after a supernova explosion is a neutron star - the collapsed core of star or if there a sufficient mass, a black hole averaged sized star up to about 1.4 times mass of sun will dei less dramatically . As there hydrogen is used up they swell to became red gaint , fusing helium in there core, before sharing there outer layer after forming a planetary nebula . Star core remain as white dwarf wich cool off over billion years. Tinniest star known as dwarf star( red dwarf) but there nuclear fuel are so slow that they live 100 billion year more then the ege of universe
So guess I think you understand about death of star . If you have any questions then ask me and if any topic you want to know then comment me

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