Wednesday, 3 January 2018

beginning and end of universe - 1

Einstein general theory of relativity, on it's own predicted that space time began at the big bang singularity and would have to end at a big crunch singularity means if the whole universe recollapse. Or at a singularity inside a black hole. Any matter that fail in to hole would be destroyed at the singularity, and only gravitational effect of mass would continue to be felt outside on the other hand, when quantum effect were taken in to account. It seemed that mass or energy of the matter would eventually be returned to the rest of universe, and that the black hole along with any singularity inside it. Would evoporate away and finally disappear . Could quantum mechanics have an equally dramatic effect on big bang and big crunch singularities? What really happened during early or late stages of the universe, when gravitational feild so strong that quantum effect can not be ignored? Does the universe in fact have a beginning or end? And of so what are they?
The possibility that space time is finite but without boundry. Wich means it had no beginning, no moment of creation.
In order to explain the ideas that I and other people have had about how quantum mechanics may effect origin and fate of universe.
I will explain mare in later posts so wait for that thank you for reading.

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