Sunday, 4 February 2018

Basic concept of Quantum Electrodynamics

The first force for which a quantum version was created was electromagnetism. The quantum theory of electromagnetic feild is called quantum electrodynamics or QED for short , was devloped in the 1940 by Richard Feynman and others, and became model for all quantum feild theory and force feild are pictures as being made of various elementary particles called bosons, Wich are force carrying particles that fly back and forth between matter particles, transmitting the forces. The matter particles called fermions, electronics and quarks are example of fermions. The photon the particles of light is an example of bosons. It is the boson that transmitting the electromagnetic force. What happens is that a matter particles, such as an electronic, emit a boson  or force particles, and recoil from it, much as a cannon recoil after firing a cannonball . The force particles that collides with anathor matter particles is absorbed, changing the motion of that particles, according to QED, all the interaction between charge particles+ particles that feel the electromagnetic force is describe in term of exchange of photon
The prediction of QED have been tested and found to match experimental results with great precision but performing the mathmatical calculation required by QED may be difficult.

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